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Graduate School
Graduate School of Bionics,Computer and Media SciencesThe Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences offers an interdisciplinary research environment encompassing four cutting-edge fields of the modern age.
The primary aim of the Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences is two-fold: to contribute to the development of new technologies essential for the progress of society in the 21st century through interdisciplinary research in bionics, information, and media sciences, and to help students acquire practical knowledge and skills in these high-tech fields. Another goal is to educate them to become entrepreneurs equipped with practical business skills such as strategic thinking and technology/business management.
Toward these goals, the Graduate School offers four programs: bionics, computer science, media science (master’s and doctorate degrees for these three programs), and entrepreneur (master’s only).
With a view to building a workforce armed with working knowledge spanning a wide variety of fields that is required to effectively solve increasingly complex problems of the modern society, the Graduate School has a flexible study system in place which encourages students to take subjects in different programs so as to acquire multi-field knowledge and a pantoscopic viewpoint that are essential for conducting interdisciplinary research.
Doctorate students will be educated to become world-class researchers capable of conducting research in various advanced fields and will be trained to become teaching staff at universities. Thus, they will first find t heir own themes in bionics, computer science, media science, or a combination of these and then carry out their research following a strategic plan.
Students are encouraged to present the results of their research at academic conferences outside as well as inside Japan to get objective assessment. In granting doctorate degrees, the Graduate School ensures fairness and universality by inviting, as necessary, researchers and other experts from outside as referees.
The Program
Bionics Program
The Bionics Program aims to educate students to become creative researchers and engineers capable of contributing to industry and society by studying high-efficiency, energy-saving biological systems and putting what they have learnt to practical use. The subjects are diverse, ranging from earth environments, energy, and biotechnology to pharmacy, foodstuff, and cosmetics. Also included in the agenda of development are the greening of deserts by using chimera plants combining cacti and mangroves, the reduction of carbon dioxide emission through the development of a high-efficiency liquid energy system utilizing biomass, basic research on the biological regeneration mechanism using planarians as a model, the development of functional foods such as coenzyme Q10 and lactoferrin-derived products designed to alleviate aging-related health problems as well as cosmetic products desi gned to whiten skins or prevent dry skins, wrinkling, or aging.
Introduction video
Atsushi Sato, Ph.D. Professor Chair, Bionics Program, Graduate SchoolPLAY Izzul IslamPLAYComputer Science Program
In recent years, information and communications technologies (ICT) have been expanding their reach into all fields, from citizens’ life, business, and industry to education and entertainment, gradually realizing the so-called ubiquitous information society. ICT systems have become part of our lifeline, with their impact on society an d life growing immensely over the past decades. Thus, there is an increasing demand for ICT systems that are safe, secure, and gentle to society and environments. The Computer Science Program aims to build up human resources much needed for the research and development of ICT systems who study and pursue cutting-edge ICT to meet the needs for realizing such a post-ubiquitous society. Through state-of-the-art practical classes taught by both teachers with industry experience and those with academic backgrounds, students will learn, with emphasis on practice, various technologies covering computers, software, networks, and robots, which are indispensable for the realization of next-generation ICT systems. Through project-based research and a rich variety of specialist subjects, they can also become capable of conducting their own R&D in advanced fields of technology, thereby contributing to industry and society.
Introduction video
Hiromi Ueda, Ph.D. Professor Chair, Computer Sciences Program, Graduate SchoolPLAY Adibah Binti MazwarPLAYMedia Science Program
The Media Science Program aims to educate students to become media experts equipped with theory and skills in the expression, service, and distribution of media content. Central to the program is the cultivat ion of flexible minds and deep insights that are required in creating a new media-centered society and working in a variety of related services. Thus, stu dents will be trained to acquire practical skills by joining internship as well as various industrial-academic collaborative research/practice projects in entertainment, electronic advertisement, business, education, communication design, and various media technologies. The program also offers a set of new“ fusion” type subjects that are taught in workshop mode, with teachers invited from different fields, so that students will acquire expert skills through discussions with peers and teachers based on actual cases of expressing con tent and delivering services.
Introduction video
Mizuho Iinuma, Ed.D Associate Professor Media Science Program, Graduate School ①PLAY Mizuho Iinuma, Ed.D Associate Professor Media Science Program, Graduate School ②PLAY Mizuho Iinuma, Ed.D Associate Professor Media Science Program, Graduate School ③PLAY Henry FernándezPLAY Liselotte HeimdahlPLAYEntrepreneurship Program
The Entrepreneurship Program offers opportunities to become equipped with skills for strategically managing corporations by acquiring skills to convert the fruits of advanced science and technologies such as bionics, ICT, and nanotechnology into business as well as knowledge in financing, intellectual property, and marketing. Designed around three key concepts: “creation of new business,”“ venture inside a corporation,” and“ entrepreneurship,” the program emphasizes the cultivation of practical skills through lectures, group projects, and guided research (writing papers and generating business plans). Classes are held in the Hachioji Campus during daytime on weekdays.