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School of Health Sciences Department of Occupational Therapy and Woosong University Establish Agreement for Academic Cooperation
The School of Health Sciences Department of Occupational Therapy and Woosong University in South Korea have established an agreement for academic cooperation.
Thanks to a connection with Professor Kong from Woosong University, Associate Professors Tomori and Sawada from the Department of Occupational Therapy held a lecture for Occupational Therapy students from Woosong University in 2016. With the two countries being so close together, the two institutions hope to provide frequent opportunities for student exchange and build a relationship that will nurture international awareness.
As for faculty exchange, there have already been some joint workshops and conferences, and the aim is to extend this relationship to collaborative research.
■Overview of the Agreement
? Collaborative research
? Faculty and student exchange
? Joint seminars and academic councilsv
? Joint workshops, conferences, etc.
■Date of establishment
September 28, 2018
■Woosong University website: