Speaker Presentation title
9:30 Hideo Aiso
(President, Tokyo University of Technology)
Opening remark
9:40 Isao Karube
(Tokyo University of Technology / Research Center of Advanced Bionics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Diagnostic biotechnology in TUT and RCAB
10:00 Till T. Bachmann
(University of Stuttgart)
Diagnostic DNA-Microarrays for rapid clinical microbiology
10:20 Kenji Yokoyama
(Research Center of Advanced Bionics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology )
Novel Analytical Tools for Proteins
10:40 Cornelius Knabbe
(Robert Bosch Hospital)
From Research to Routine Application of Molecular Diagnostics
11:00 Norihiko Minoura
(Tokyo University of Technology)
Recognition and detection of a double-stranded DNA using a molecularly imprinted polymer
11:20 Jutta Bachmann
Global Trends in Biochip Technology – Biochips as Harbinger of a New Era
11:40 Hirotaka Uzawa
(Research Center of Advanced Bionics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology )
Facile and Sensitive Detection of Biohazard Toxins: Convenient Use of Synthetic Sugar Ligands for an SPR Sensor System
12:00 Lunch ?
13:00 Robert Möller
(Institute for Physical High Technology)
Electrical DNA-chip for the identification of microorganisms
13:20 Kohji Mitsubayashi
(Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Novel biomedical sensors with Soft-MEMS techniques and their applications
13:40 -canceled- ?
14:00 Yasuo Seto
(National Research Institute of Police Science)
Current Situation of On-site Detection System for Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents
14:20 Ulrich Nübel
(Robert Koch Institute) 
DNA microarray for parallel detection of 16 bacterial biothreat agents
14:40 Toshiyuki Kanamori
(Research Center of Advanced Bionics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Cell Manipulation on Functional-Polymer Surface
15:00 Ulf B. Göbel
(Charité University Belin)
High-throughput Diagnostic Platforms in Clinical Microbiology 
15:20 Coffee break ?
15:40 Masayasu Suzuki
(University of Toyama)
Lymphocyte Microarray System and Its Measurement Systems
16:00 Frank F. Bier
(Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering)
Active Arrays – DNA modifying enzymes acting on immobilised templates
16:20 Yoshihiro Nishida
(Nagoya University)
Kazuhiro Matsuda
(M Bio Technology Inc.)
Designed Sugars against Infectious Diseases:Cell-membrane Glycolipids from Mycoplasma fermentans 
16:40 Fred Lisdat
(Wildau University of Applied Sciences / Potsdam University) 
Strategies for the sensitive detection of reactive oxygen species using protein sensors
17:00 Koji Sode
(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Molecular Engineering for Glycated Protein Biosensing
17:20 Martin Stelzle
(Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen)
NanoBioPore – a novel platform for sensitive electrochemical biosensors
Isao Karube and Till T. Bachmann
Closing remark
18:00 Timo Enderle
Dinner lecture