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Asia Human Resource
General Guidelines for Application
Tokyo University of Technology
Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences
"The Practical Education of Global Contents Bridging Human Resource for Next Generation"
Asia Human Resource Fund Program
Master’s Program Applicants
Master’s Program in Media Science: 6 (Six) Students
【Examination Schedule】
Deadline for Application | Examination Date | Results Announced | Deadline for Admission Procedure |
Monday, June 23 2008 | Any Time *According to a situation, it may carry out before the application deadline. |
Friday, June 27 2008 | Friday, August 29 2008 |
【Qualifications and Conditions for Application】
(1) Applicants who have a bachelor’s degree or will obtain a bachelor’s degree by the end of
September 2008.
(2) Applicants who have a bachelor’s degree awarded by the regulation of the 4th clause of Article
104 of the School Education Act in Japan or will be awarded so by the end of September 2008.
(3) Applicants who have completed 16 years of regular education in countries other than Japan or will
have done so by the end of September 2008.
(4) Applicants who have completed 16 years of distance learning of foreign higher educational
institutes in Japan or will have done so by the end of September 2008.
(5) Applicants who have completed the educational programs of foreign universities in Japan, and those
universities are acknowledged as a part of educational system in those foreign countries, and the
Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) designates as
such and will have done so by the end of September 2008.
(6) Applicants who have completed educational program of technical and vocational school specified by
MEXT according to the regulation of No. 5 of the 1st clause of Article 155 of the School Education
Act in Japan (more than 4 years education and fulfilled other criteria set by MEXT) and will have
completed by the end of September 2008.
(7) Applicants who are designated by MEXT. (Ministry of Education Notification No. 5 in 1953)
(8) Applicants who are enrolled over 3 years in universities or who have completed 15 years of regular
education in countries other than Japan with excellent academic grade recognized by the Graduate
School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology (TUT) or will
have done so by the end of September 2008. *1
(9) Applicants who are recognized, through specific entrance examination by the Graduate School as
the person who have an equivalent ability to those who have graduated from a university, and
reached at the age of 22 years old
(intended persons are those who have completed high school, college, higher professional school,
technical and vocational school and other educational institutes) *2
(10) Those who have graduated from the following undergraduate programs in a university, and have
sufficient ability.
A.Media contents production (e.g. animation, game, etc.)
B.Contents development (e.g. programming, system development, etc.)
(11) Applicants should participate in all the programs with Asia Human Resource Fund such as
Japanese language program and internship program.
(12) The applicants should have strong intention and motivation to work for Japanese contents
companies after completing the course.
(13) Those who have an excellent academic record.
(14) Age: Those who were born after April 2, 1973.
(15) Nationality: Those who have nationality whose country has diplomatic relations with the Japanese
government at October 1, 2008. At the time of application, those who have Japanese nationality
are not qualified for this program.
(16) Health: Those who have mind and body which should not have trouble in the study.
(17) Those who have Japanese proficiency which can respond to a Japanese lecture.
(The Japanese- Language Proficiency Test Level 4*3)
(18) Applicants need come to or stay in Japan with student visa and should join the course by the
end of September 2008.
(19) The following applicants are basically not qualified.
① Those who were foreign students in Japan in the past and who had not passed three years
after the end of a scholarship provision period.
(This excludes foreign students of Japanese language and culture program and Japan-Korea
Joint Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students of Science and Engineering)
② Those who cannot complete the program in the due period of time
(this excludes temporary leave from the program)
③ Those who aim to obtain the qualifications of medical doctor, lawyer and teacher.
④ Those who are the active member of military or belongs to the military.
⑤ Those who doubly obtain a scholarship from other than Asia Human Resource Fund Program
and doubly apply for a scholarship within Asia Human Resource Fund Program.
* 1, 2: Applicants who shall fall into category (8), (9) should contact the Admission Office for checking
the qualifications for application in advance.
* 3 : The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level 4: It covers basic grammar, around 100 kanji and
800 vocabularies, ability to make simple conversation, read and write short or simple sentences
(The level can be reached after studying for 150 hours).
【Method of Selection】
Documents Examination (Academic Record and Study Plan) and Oral Examination
【Application Procedure】
1. Documents to be submitted
① Application for Admission (prescribed forms with photo)
② Inquiry for Japanese language proficiency (prescribed forms)
③ Photocopy of certificate for language qualification
(Japanese Language Proficiency Test, TOEIC, TOEFL, etc.)
④ Research Plan (prescribed form)
⑤ Expected university diploma of certificate of degree(Japanese or English form)
⑥ Certified academic record of university attended (to be issued by the university authorities)
(The record should not be more than 2 years old irrespective of which university the applicant
attended. When the applicant is/was working, the record is to be obtained from the university
before joining current company or institution. The record should not be more than 2 years old.)
⑦ Recommendation letters
2. Examination Fee: 33,000 Yen
3. Notice: Documents submitted shall not be returned
4. Method of Application: Hand-Over to the Admission Office or Post
【Result Announcement】
Results will individually be notified for applicants.
When an applicant is selected as a government scholarship student, the university shall pay for tuition
fee. However, the applicant needs to pay for Disaster and Accident Insurance for Student Education
and Research (2,100 Yen).
【Admission Procedure】
A successful applicant will individually be notified of the details.
【Compensation Package】
For Japanese government scholarship student with university recommendation
TUT shall recommend all students selected to this program to be candidates for Japanese government
scholarship. However, the candidates should pass examination of applicant’s qualification conducted by
MEXT. Only after the examination, government scholarship is provided for the candidates who are
selected as the Japanese government scholarship student. Even if not qualified, the candidates can join
the program without scholarship.
Please feel free to ask any question:
Tokyo University of Technology, Graduate School Division