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School of Engineering
About the School of Engineering
?Department of Mechanical Engineering
?Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering
?Department of Applied Chemistry
You will be the key person who will open a door to solve future global challenges.
"Sustainable engineering" is "practical science" that creates a sustainable society while maintaining harmony between environment, industry, and human beings."Sustainable engineering" is a key science to solve global problems in the 21stcentury.The School of Engineering explores a wide range of sustainable engineering basedon engineering techniques. Our unique curriculum, including cooperative education,will help students develop expertise, practical skills, and international perspective.

"Sustainable engineering" supports the creation of a sustainable
society for the future
"Sustainable engineering" is used to design and evaluate the entire product-lifecycle by looking at industrial products and technologies from environmental, industrial, and human-oriented perspectives, in order to create a sustainable society. Students can learn about sustainable engineering in a systematical and practical way.

The first "cooperative education" adopted in universities of science and technology in the greater Tokyo area, which provides new inspiration and helps students grow
The school provides unique cooperative education, where all students can gain work experience for about two months.Students will discover their own challenges, build upon practical skills and increase their willingness to learn, which will lead to strengthening their ability to work.

"Global engineering education" fosters engineers who can take on active roles worldwide
The School of Engineering helps students develop an international sense and knowledge, language skills and basic social skills that engineers need in the global era. The school also offers subjects that are designed to develop technical writing skills in English.