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About KARI
Roles of KARI
TUT’s KARI is a place for industry-academia-government collaboration that contributes to a new sustainable society in the 21st century. The Institute has four centers for socially important research fields: a bionanotechnology center, a computer science research center, a content technology center, and a ceramic matrix composite center. It has conducted various projects on contract for the MEXT, METI, CAO, etc. Global international collaborative research has also been conducted at several of its centers. The Institute’s students get opportunities to take part in cutting-edge research and development, and to use some of the world’s most advanced equipment. The research conducted at the Institute is also used to improve the quality of the university’s education as a whole, and of its graduate programs in particular. The Institute will work to ensure that the university maintains the best possible research and educational environments in the future. To that end, the Center for Collaborative Research and Development was established to strengthen the research activities throughout the university.