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MOU Signed on Cooperation with UCLA
On August 29, 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Tokyo University of Technology (TUT) on academic cooperation, at a meeting held at UCLA. Attended from TUT were: Dr. Yutaka Kagawa, President of TUT, Prof. Soichiro Ikuno, School of Computer Science and Director of the Media Center, and Prof. Kenichiro Sekine, Director of the Center for Practical Research Coordination. This MOU is expected to promote the exchange of students and teaching staff as well as the collaboration in research between the two universities in the following areas:
- Reciprocal visits and informal exchange of teaching and administrative staff in the fields of education, training, research, and outreach
- Cooperation in education and training in the doctoral course
- Organization of joint meetings, symposia, or other scientific meetings on subjects of common benefits
- Exchange of scientific information and materials
- Pursuit of the possibility of exchange of students and researchers in graduate schools and specialist professional courses during academic terms or summer breaks
- Exploration of comprehensive master’s and/or certification programs in pursuit of possible joint research programs and cooperation in the fields of common benefits
- Exploration of possible joint funding proposals and online MS programs while pursuing potential external funding