コンピュータグラフィックス分野の第一線で、世界的にご活躍中のPat Hanrahan教授(スタンフォード大学)による「片柳コンピュータ科学賞」受賞記念講演会を、本学八王子キャンパスにて開催します。
今年度はPat Hanrahan教授がみごと受賞されましたので、これを記念してPat Hanrahan教授による受賞記念講演会を開催します。
会場:八王子キャンパス 片柳研究所棟KE402 交通案内はこちら
応募締切日:2014年3月3日(月)12時 - 申込みは終了しました -
講演者:PAT HANRAHAN氏(Stanford University)
Title:People, Data and Analysis
Abstract:Big data is a hot topic in computing. Most research has focused on automatic methods of data processing such as machine learning and natural language processing. Another important direction of research is how to build systems that can store and process massive data sets. An example here is map-reduce. Unfortunately, what has been lost in the discussion is how people should use data to perform analysis and make decisions. It is unlikely that people will be replaced completely by automated decision making systems in the near future. Hence, an important question to ask is what should people do and what should computers do? In this talk, I will discuss promising approaches for building interactive tools that allow people to perform data analysis more easily and effectively.