Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is applied in various fields, including lifestyle, business, industry, education, and entertainment. It is anticipated ICT will contribute to the building of an eco-friendly society that is safe, secure, comfortable, and sustainable.In response to such expectations, in the Computer Science Program, teachers from both industrial and academic backgrounds cooperate to conduct wide-ranging practical education, from theory through to application and cutting-edge research. Students can learn about the practical and scientific aspects of ICT from a diverse range of teachers and also engage in cutting-edge research under teachers who possess profound knowledge in specialist fields.
Cutting-edge Practical Education and Research
We strive to rapidly incorporate the needs of society and reflect them in our education and research. Starting with IoT (Internet of Things), cloud computing, big data, SDI (software design infrastructure), and server design based on open-source software, we conduct cutting-edge practical education and research in areas including artificial intelligence, sensitivity and knowledge information processing, photonic networks, next generation networks, security, and robotics.
Fostering Cutting-edge Research and Development Abilities
Making use of the Computer Science Research Center, Cloud Service Center and other research facilities, students can conduct reality-based research in such subjects as IoT, ubiquitous communication, and cloud computing. Through involvement in such activities, they acquire the ability to conduct cutting-edge research and development.
Diverse and Talented Faculty Members
Teachers endowed with abundant practical experience after working on the corporate frontline and teachers who have consistently pursued academic inquiry cooperate together in order to conduct education and directed study. Under the guidance of such diverse and talented specialist teachers, students can undertake wide-ranging learning and receive guidance in areas from profound theories to realistic problem solving.
Main Subjects
Research Project Subjects
Research Planning in Computer Science, Research in Computer Science I, Research in Computer Science II, Research in Computer Science III
Students set and plan themes and conduct research under the guidance of a tutor and over the two-year duration of the program. At the end of each semester, research presentation meetings are held so that students can present their research progress and achievements. At the end of two years of study, students write a master’s dissertation as the culmination of their research.
Specialist Subjects (example)
Machine Learning
In this course, the latest knowledge is imparted and commentary from practical viewpoints is conducted on machine learning techniques, which are becoming increasingly important in the field of information science. The mathematical basis of such techniques is also outlined. Machine learning techniques today cover a wide range of areas; this course seeks to introduce the basic knowledge and techniques of machine learning during the first half, and offer commentary on deep learning, the latest topic in this field, during the second half. Opportunities are also provided for students to experience deep learning techniques for themselves.
Information Security Application
In this course, students learn about information security technology and its applications. Starting with the basics of security in secured hardware and software, commentary is given on security policy, specific security measures, security management, and security operating technology.First, students learn about analysis methods for extracting system security threats, and then commentary is given on hardware and software threats in the shape of tamper attacks, and measures that may be used to counter them. Taking examples form encryption communication line protocol SSL/TLS as used in encrypted mails and Web browsers, public key authentication infrastructure is also introduced. In addition, students learn about OS access control technology that comprises the basis of Android and iOS security mechanisms, as well as the lifecycle of security systems. Finally, students discuss security issues and countermeasures in case examples relating to the technologies and knowledge they have acquired.
Practice of Technology for Building Cloud Computing
The creation of added value based on intellectual property is becoming more and more important.Rather than simply making things, it is increasingly necessary to conduct “value creation”, whereby such value is recognized by society. For this reason, it is necessary for students to not only raise their technical standards but to also acquire the ability to plan the technologies that should be developed. In this course, the students conduct practical training geared to planning and developing cloud services through group learning, with the objective of acquiring the ability to think in such an environment.
Faculty Profiles
Takayuki KUSHIDA
Cloud, IoT, Service
Terumasa AOKI
Computer Vision
Soichiro IKUNO
Computer Simulation
Signal Processing
Sumio OHNO
Spoken Language Information Processing
Kiminori SATO
Biometrics, Image Recognition, Image Sensing
Yuichi FUTA
Information Security, Cryptology
Shigeru HOSONO
Service System Design
Entertainment Computing
Akifumi INOUE
Human Computer Interaction
KANSEI Information Processing
Well-being Design
Ryuya UDA
Information Security
Soft Computing
Computational physics
Masayuki KIKUCHI
Neural information science
Akihiko DEMPO
Cognitive psychology
Data science
Takayasu FUSHIMI
Data Engineering, Web Science, Network Science
Jun Yamaguchi
Production Policy
Yasunori Shiono
Intelligent Informatics, Mathematical Informatics
Human-Centric Computing
Multimedia signal processing
Image processing, Image recognition, Visual informatics
Yumiko OHNO
Graph Theory